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Ovulation Induction


Where ovulation is not occurring, medication is used to stimulate the ovaries to develop, mature and release eggs as well as build a healthy lining of the uterus.

Your Repromed Doctor will advise the best Ovulation Induction treatment for you, either Ovulation Induction with tablets (for example Clomid) or Ovulation Induction with injections (for example FSH). Both these methods require blood tests and ultrasound scans to predict ovulation and timing of intercourse.

Ultrasound scans during Ovulation Induction treatment are very important to ensure you do not over-respond to the medication. As Repromed has in-house capacity to analyse hormone levels within 3 hours, in addition to scanning capacity at our 2 clinics, we are in a ideal position to safely offer Ovulation Induction to our patients.


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