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ADHESIONScar tissue, in particular between the abdominal and/or pelvic organs often the result of an infection/inflammation
ANEMBRYONIC PREGNANCYNo foetal heartbeat is visible at the 6-8 week scan
ANTAGONIST CYCLEA type of treatment process that requires the use of a medication that prevents ovulation during an IVF cycle
ARTAssisted Reproductive Technology - a collective term for the different types of infertility treatments
BIOCHEMICAL PREGNANCYFertilisation and implantation have occurred resulting in a positive pregnancy test. The pregnancy ends at a very early stage prior to ultrasound confirmation
BLASTOCYSTAn embryo five to six days after fertilisation
CERVIXLower section of the uterus which protrudes into the top of the vagina
CRYOPRESERVATIONPreservation (by freezing) of surplus embryos, eggs or sperm
DONATION EGGThe process where a female donor donates eggs to another party (recipient) for use in infertility treatment
DONATION EMBRYOThe process where a couple donate frozen embryo/s to another party (recipients) for use in infertility treatment
DONATION SPERMThe process where a male donor donates sperm to another party (recipient) for use in infertility treatment
EGG COLLECTIONSurgical collection of egg/s from the follicles in the ovary
EGG TIMER TESTA blood test and pelvic ultrasound scan to indicate the likely fertility status of a woman
EMBRYOAfter fertilisation the egg begins to divide and multiply and is now called an embryo
EMBRYO BIOPSYThe removal of one or two cells, from an early IVF embryo for preimplantation genetic screening
EMBRYO TRANSFERPlacement of embryo/s into the uterus
ENDOMETRIOSISA medical condition where the endometrium is located outside the uterus in the pelvic cavity
ENDOMETRIUMThe membrane that lines the inner surface of the uterus
EXTENDED CULTUREThe term used to describe growth of embryos in culture for 4-6 days
FALLOPIAN TUBESTubes that extend from the uterus to the ovary and serve as a passageway for the egg and sperm to meet. The fallopian tube is the place where fertilisation occurs
FERTILISATIONThe earliest stage of development after the penetration of the egg by a sperm
FETFrozen Embryo Transfer, a procedure in which frozen embryo/s are thawed and then transferred to the uterus
FOLLICULAR PHASEFirst half of the menstrual cycle before ovulation
FSHFollicle Stimulating Hormone which is produced by the anterior pituitary gland and stimulates the growth of follicles in the female. FSH also induces the development of sperm in the testicle
FOLLICLEA small secretory sac in the ovary in which an egg develops
GAMETEThe male and female reproductive cells (egg or sperm)
HCGHuman chorionic gonadotrophin The hormone measured to diagnose a pregnancy
HORMONEA chemical substance, secreted by the endocrine glands, which is carried by the blood stream to the target organ influencing its activity, growth and nutrition
ICSIIntracytoplasmic Sperm Injection, is a process where a single sperm is injected into an egg
IMPLANTATIONThe embedding of the embryo into the lining of the uterus
IN VITROOutside the body
IN VIVOInside the body
IVFIn Vitro Fertilisation. A procedure in which an egg is removed from a follicle and fertilised by a sperm outside the human body. The resultant embryo can then be transferred into the uterus
LAPAROSCOPYDiagnostic procedure where an instrument (laparoscope) is inserted through a small incision just below the umbilicus, to enable visualisation of the pelvic cavity and its organs
LHLuteinising Hormone. Produced by the pituitary gland and responsible for stimulating ovulation
LUTEAL PHASEThe second half of the menstrual cycle after ovulation until the menstrual period
MENEVITVitamin supplement for men containing anti oxidants to support sperm health
MENOPAUSEThe permanent cessation of menstruation following the loss of ovarian function
MENOPAUSE (EARLY)Menopause in women less than 46 years of age
MENOPAUSE (PREMATURE)Menopause in women less than or equal to 35 years of age
MISCARRIAGELoss of pregnancy
OESTROGENA major female hormone that is produced primarily by the ovaries
OHSSOvarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome. A group of symptoms which is associated with ovarian enlargement during IVF treatment cycle
OOCYTEThe egg cell (gamete, ovum) produced in the ovary each month
OVULATIONThe process of release of a mature egg from an ovary
OVUMFemale gamete (egg) contained in a follicle
PATENT TUBESA term used to describe fallopian tubes that are open allowing free passage for the egg, sperm and embryo
PGSPreimplantation Genetic Screening - the process of taking cells from an embryo to check the number of chromosomes or to test for a specific genetic abnormality
PITUITARY GLANDThe gland located at the base of the brain, which controls hormone functions in the human body
PROGESTERONEHormone produced by the ovary in the Luteal phase. Its main function is to change the growth of the endometrium and assist with the implantation of the embryo
SEMENFluid containing sperm
SPERMATOZOONMature male sperm cell (gamete) produced by the testicle
ULTRASOUND SCANAn ultrasound wave scan of the uterus/ovaries/follicles for investigation of infertility and/or scan of the uterus for the confirmation of pregnancy
UTERUSFemale reproductive organ where a pregnancy develops
VAGINAPassageway between the external genitals and the uterus