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Getting Started


At Repromed we understand that falling pregnant is not always simple. Most people will fall pregnant naturally within the first 12 months of trying however 1 in 6 couples will struggle to fall pregnant. At Repromed we understand that this time can be emotional and overwhelming, and that is why we pride ourselves on ensuring your journey with us is made as easy as possible.

1. Referral

To access treatment at Repromed you will require a referral form from your GP or Specialist. GP referrals are valid for 12 months and specialist referrals are valid for 3 months. You need a current referral to access Medicare rebates.

2. Initial Contact

Our New Patient Coordinators are available free of charge to answer any initial questions you may have before making an appointment with one of our Fertility Doctors.

Please contact us on 08 8333 8111 or fill out the online enquiry form. Our New Patient Coordinators are available to answer any questions you may have prior to making an appointment.

3. First Consultation

You can choose from a number of highly qualified Repromed Specialists and GPs trained in fertility treatment to oversee your treatment.

4. Preliminary Investigations

At Repromed we will carry out preliminary investigations to help identify why you and your partner are having issues with falling pregnant naturally. This may involve tests such as analysis of hormone levels for both males and females; Halosperm Test to assess sperm DNA damage; Egg Timer Test to assess ovarian reserve, genetic tests and general health assessments. A follow-up appointment will be scheduled with your doctor to review the test results, discuss a diagnosis and offer treatment options.

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