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Repromed Donor Program


Donating the Gift of Life

It is estimated that nearly 1 in 6 Australian couples will struggle to conceive a child.

It is also estimated that approximately 1 in 25 males are unable to father a child due to medical or genetic reasons. Originally, recipients of egg donations were women who had experienced premature menopause or who carried significant genetic risks of foetal abnormality when conceiving with their own eggs. More recently, the largest group of females seeking egg donations are women who have attempted routine IVF and have not been able to achieve a pregnancy.

Many couples therefore may only be able to achieve their dream of having a child by accessing fertility treatment with donated sperm, eggs or embryos.

At Repromed we understand the struggles many go through to become a parent. That is why our Gift of Life – the Donor Program has been developed to assist people who want to make it possible for others to fulfil their dreams of parenthood in a highly controlled, tested and regulated environment.

Becoming a donor does not cost anything or have any ongoing financial obligations (all costs associated with your donation – doctor’s appointments, lab analysis, counselling, blood tests, storage of your donation, are all covered by Repromed) however this act will have a life long effect for some families.

Once you have made the decision to donate the Gift of Life or if you would like further information and/or a confidential phone consultation regarding your eligibility of becoming a donor simply contact Repromed on (08) 8333 8111 and speak with one of our Donor Team members or fill in the below enquiry form.

Questions? Chat with a Fertility Nurse on 08 8333 8111 or fill out the enquiry form »

Accessing the Gift of Life

It is estimated that nearly 1 in 6 Australian couples will struggle to conceive a child and for some they may only be able to achieve their dream of starting a family by accessing fertility treatment with donated sperm, eggs or embryos.

At Repromed we understand the struggles many go through to become a parent. That is why our Gift of Life – the Donor Program has been developed to assist people to fulfill their dreams of parenthood in a highly controlled and regulated environment.

Before proceeding with donor treatment, our doctors will clarify all of your options and discuss the entire process with you. There is a once only registration fee to join the Repromed Donor Program. When a patient is having an IVF treatment cycle, there are also additional costs associated which are separate to the IVF treatment cycle. For detailed information regarding fees, please contact us on 08 8333 8111.

There are 3 types of donors available for our patients. The first is known as a clinic recruited donor. These people are locally sourced by Repromed and are available for use by a maximum of 10 recipients. The second type of donor is one who is known to the recipient(s) as is termed as a patient recruited donor. Repromed, as part of the Monash IVF Group, also has access to a third type of donor through one of the world’s largest bank of sperm donors via California Cryobank (CCB).

The success rates of donor treatment depends on many factors including the female age and the presence of other female fertility factors such as endometriosis, tubal disease, or ovulatory dysfunction. Women under 35 years of age and who have no history of fertility problems have the best chance of becoming pregnant using donor treatment.

If you would like to assist others in achieving their dream of starting a family or would like to access our Donor Program, please contact Repromed’s Donor Team on (08) 8333 8111 or fill out the enquiry form below for more detailed information and a confidential phone consultation regarding your eligibility of becoming a donor or recipient.

(Complete the form and one of our staff will be in touch with you soon)

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