Categories for Information Sessions

What are the Stages of the Menstrual Cycle?

Published May 2024 Dr Juliette Koch – Repromed Medical Director There are four main stages of the menstrual cycle. Understanding these four main stages can provide important information about personal health and fertility, allowing individuals to track their cycle, manage contraception effectively, and detect irregularities that may indicate underlying issues. Four stages of the menstrual Continue reading

How to Treat your Body During your Luteal Phase

Published May 2024 Dr Juliette Koch – Repromed Medical Director Discover effective self-care tips for your luteal phase. Learn about diet, exercise, and emotional well-being to manage symptoms and enhance health. The menstrual cycle is a complex monthly rhythm that influences influences the reproductive health for women and those assigned female at birth, and is Continue reading

What is Ovulation Tracking?

Published April 2024 Professor Kelton Tremellen – Repromed Medical Director SA Ovulation tracking is a service provided by Repromed to assist couples in timing intercourse to maximise their chances of natural conception. This is achieved by pinpointing ovulation, the monthly process of releasing a mature egg. From puberty to menopause most healthy females mature and Continue reading

Assess Your Fertility

Published April 2024 Professor Kelton Tremellen – Repromed Medical Director SA Dreaming of having a baby? We’re here to help get you there. That’s why we offer our patients a range of tests to assess their fertility. Remember – everybody’s fertility journey is different. Your GP or referring doctor may have already sent you for Continue reading

Does Diet Affect Fertility?

Published April 2024 Professor Kelton Tremellen – Repromed Medical Director SA In this article, we discuss the medical consensus on how your food, drink, and nutrient consumption can impact fertility preservation. We’ve also popped in a few suggestions for delicious fertility-boosting meals. At Repromed, we know that everyone wants to give themselves the best chance Continue reading

Understanding Folic Acid: What, When and Why?

Published April 2024 Professor Kelton Tremellen – Repromed Medical Director SA When you take a leap in your life, it’s understood that you begin to subconsciously take more notice of the relevant things around us. For example, when trying for a baby, it’s difficult to miss announcements of pregnancy on Facebook, sales on baby strollers, Continue reading

What is Ovulation? Everything you need to know about your Ovulation Cycle

Published April 2024 Professor Kelton Tremellen – Repromed Medical Director SA Ovulation. It’s a word that we hear in conversations about pregnancy, fertility and conception, but what is ovulation? Why is it important? How do I track an ovulation cycle? Sometimes it’s easy enough to let our bodies do the hard work for us, but Continue reading

The top 5 things you need to know about your fertility!

Published April 2024 Professor Kelton Tremellen – Repromed Medical Director SA Trying to conceive? Think it will happen for you quickly? Unfortunately, 1 in 6 Australian couples will experience infertility. But, you can try to optimise your chances of success by learning about your fertility. Here are 5 things you need to know about your Continue reading

Understanding Endometriosis and Fertility

Published April 2024 Professor Kelton Tremellen – Repromed Medical Director SA Endometriosis is a gynaecological condition that can affect up to one in ten women at some point in their life, with one third of these women are likely to present with infertility. Endometriosis is a common condition that can affect a large number of Continue reading

When to Consider Fertility Testing and What to Expect

Published September 2023 Professor Kelton Tremellen – Repromed Medical Director SA Fertility testing gives you a chance to understand your body better and what it needs to provide you with the best possible chance at starting a family. There is no right or wrong point in your journey to begin fertility testing. Some will choose Continue reading

Endometriosis: What is it and how can it impact fertility?

Published September 2023 Prof. Luk Rombauts – Monash IVF Group Medical Director Repromed is a proud member of the Monash IVF Group; a driving force in reproductive care across Australia Endometriosis is a medical condition that has received much news coverage recently. The disease process involves the abnormal growth of tissue similar to the lining Continue reading

PCOS and Fertility

Published September 2023 By Juliette Koch – Repromed Medical Director NT Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is one of the most common conditions in reproductive aged women. It is important as it can affect 8-13% of women and importantly, 70% of women that have this condition are undiagnosed. This is of significance as this condition can Continue reading

The Vital Link Between Diet and Women’s Health

Published September 2023 Dr Tamara Hunter – Monash IVF Group Medical Director WA Repromed is a proud member of the Monash IVF Group; a driving force in reproductive care across Australia In a world that’s constantly evolving, women’s health remains an essential topic of discussion. From reproductive health to overall wellbeing, it’s clear that women Continue reading