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General Enquiries

How do I make an appointment at Repromed?

Just fill in the form below or call us on (08) 8333 8111 and you can speak to one of our Patient Coordinators to make an appointment. Our Patient Coordinators are trained Fertility Nurses who will be able to answer some of your questions and help you make an appointment with a Doctor at a time that suits you. We are usually able to make an appointment within two weeks of your initial enquiry.

Do I need a referral to be seen at Repromed?

Yes, you will need a referral to see the Doctors at Repromed. If you have a partner both names will need to be on the referral (or you will need separate referrals for both of you) to be eligible for the Medicare Rebate.

My GP has done some tests already. Will these need to be repeated?

Please bring a copy of any of your test results to your first appointment. Some tests may need to be done at certain times of your cycle and may need to be repeated or updated but we aim not to repeat tests unnecessarily.

My local Doctor says I should try naturally for longer but I am really worried we may not be able to have a family. What should I do?

It is recommended that you seek fertility assistance if you have been trying to fall pregnant for 12 months or more and you are under 35 years of age. If you are 35 years or older you may wish to seek assistance after trying for 6 months or even less if you 40 years or older. If you have specific concerns about your fertility such as recurrent miscarriages, a history of Endometriosis, irregular cycles or chlamydia/pelvic inflammatory disease, or if your mother went through early menopause you may wish to seek advice earlier than the guidelines suggested above.

I am uncomfortable with male Doctors doing private examinations. Do I have a choice of Doctors at Repromed?

All Doctors at Repromed are very experienced in women’s health and will try to ensure your comfort at all times. All private examinations are chaperoned by nursing staff to allow for your maximum care, comfort and attention. We have many female Doctors at Repromed and we will aim to meet your requests at all times if possible. Religious and cultural expectations are respected as a priority.

I am not sure I want to get pregnant right now but I am concerned about leaving it too late. How do I know if I will be able to have children?

One of the Doctors at Repromed will be happy to see you for a Fertility Health Check or a Fertility Assessment and will be happy to discuss your options such as having an Ovarian Reserve Assessment which can give an idea about whether you have a normal number of eggs remaining in your ovaries for your age. Factors affecting your own fertility or fertility preservation options can also be discussed at that appointment.

My partner has had a vasectomy. What can be done to help us have a child together?

At Repromed we help many couples where the male has had a vasectomy in the past. Sperm can usually be obtained by needle aspiration and then can be used in an IVF cycle with very successful results. The sperm aspiration can be done under local or general anaesthetic.

I am a single woman. What options are there for me to have a baby?

In SA and the NT single woman can access fertility treatment. A referral from your GP to see one of our Repromed Doctors for a Fertility Assessment should be your first step to see how best Repromed can help you with your dreams of having a baby. At Repromed, we have a well-established donor sperm program that involves full medical and psychological screening of our local donors and aims to best meet the needs of all parties involved. Repromed also have access to California Cryobank sperm donors. Other options such as egg freezing or other forms of fertility preservation can also be discussed.

I am in a female same-sex relationship. Am I able to access services at Repromed?

In South Australia women in same-sex relationships can access fertility treatment. A referral from your GP to see one of our Repromed Doctors for a Fertility Assessment should be your first step to see how best Repromed can help you with your dreams of starting a family. At Repromed we have a well-established donor sperm program that involves full medical and psychological screening of our donors and aims to best meet the needs of all parties involved. We will be happy to assist you with any of your enquiries in this regard.

General Pregnancy Information

How long should we try naturally to start a family before seeking medical help?

It is recommended that you seek fertility assistance if you have been trying to fall pregnant for 12 months or more and you are under 35 years of age. If you are 35 years or older you may wish to seek assistance after trying for 6 months or even less if you 40 years or older. If you have specific concerns about your fertility such as recurrent miscarriages, a history of Endometriosis, irregular cycles or chlamydia/pelvic inflammatory disease, or if your mother went through early menopause you may wish to seek advice earlier than the guidelines suggested above.

What natural things can we do to improve our chances of becoming pregnant?

There are many things in our lifestyle which affect fertility for males and females. Maintaining a healthy weight and balanced diet can improve your chances of becoming pregnant and continuing with a healthy pregnancy. Being under or overweight can have adverse effects on fertility and pregnancy. Exercise, but not excessive exercise, is encouraged.

Smoking has been clearly proven to have negative effects on fertility for both men and women. It is also recommended that women who are trying to conceive or are pregnant do not drink alcohol and that men trying to start a family limit their alcohol intake also. Marijuana and recreational drugs can also have effects on both male and female fertility and should be avoided.
Folic Acid and Iodine supplements are recommended for 3 months prior to conception and during pregnancy. A good pre-natal vitamin usually includes folic acid but there are some circumstances that your doctor may advise a higher dose of folic acid up to 5mg.
Your local doctor or the doctors at Repromed will be happy to discuss whether you need screening for immunity to rubella or chicken pox prior to attempting to become pregnant.

What can my male partner do to help our chances of becoming pregnant?

Some men may benefit from a male sperm health vitamin such as menevit. Usually a Semen Analysis at Repromed will indicate whether this could be beneficial. Working in very hot environments or using laptops on the lap can be associated with lower fertility for men. Please discuss this with the Repromed doctors if you have any concerns.

Everyone says we should just relax and go on holiday. Is stress affecting our chances of becoming pregnant?

Many friends or colleagues may suggest advice that they think is helpful but may sound to the people trying to conceive like it is their fault. It is important not to blame yourselves for the issues of subfertility. Stress is a factor that is almost impossible to eliminate from our lifestyle and may have varying effects on our fertility. If you feel stress is playing a part in your circumstances you may wish to speak to the doctors to Repromed or see our counsellors at Repromed to help with stress minimising techniques that may be suitable for you.

My partner and I are experiencing the stress of trying to start a family differently. Is this normal?

It is very common to experience the stress differently, even when both partners are very committed to starting a family. Communicating your needs and supporting your partner is essential to help each other through this difficult time. Our counsellors at Repromed frequently see people in this situation and will be happy to help you individually or together as a couple to assist you in understanding how best to work through these issues as team.

Thinking about Assisted Pregnancy

My work does not know I am having fertility treatment. How much time off work will I require for IVF?

At Repromed, we set client lifestyle and convenience as a priority. During an IVF cycle you will need at least one blood test and ultrasound during the first part of your treatment cycle. We are open from as early as 7:00am Monday – Friday to suit the needs of working people. You will usually have 2 days notice before the day of your egg retrieval and it is recommended that you have that day off. Embryo transfer usually occurs 4-5 days after the egg retrieval however this simple procedure only takes less than half an hour and does not require a full day off work.

I am from the country. If I require IVF treatment how long will I need to stay in Adelaide?

Depending on your circumstances you may be able to come down to Adelaide just for the day of the egg retrieval and for the day of the embryo transfer. It is usually recommended that women who have undergone an egg retrieval stay in Adelaide overnight. An embryo transfer occurs usually 4-5 days after egg retrieval and it is up to your circumstances whether it is easier for you to return to your home or stay in Adelaide for that time.

What are the risks to my baby if I need IVF to get pregnant?

Long-term studies have not shown an increase in risks to babies and children who are born following standard IVF procedures. ICSI or the microinjection technique has been associated with a small increase in risk in some congenital abnormalities and the exact cause for this is not known. These days ICSI is used very commonly as it improves the fertilisation of eggs and sperm to become embryos in certain circumstances. It is not done routinely unless medically indicated. Your Repromed Doctor will be happy to discuss any concerns you have about this.

If we use frozen embryos are there any risks to the baby?

It has been shown that pregnancies and children born from frozen embryo transfer cycles do not have any increase in abnormalities and that in some circumstances there may be some benefits.

Is it safe to colour my hair while having fertility treatment?

There are no studies to indicate having your hair coloured either leading up to or during fertility treatment will interfere with your chances of falling pregnant.

Am I able to have laser hair removal or waxing if I am on IVF?

Research surrounding laser hair removal on patients undergoing IVF is not robust enough to know if there is an impact on their ability to conceive. It is recommended therefore to wait until your treatment has finished before commencing (note: once pregnant you should discuss laser hair removal with your Obstetricians or Shared Care Provider). Waxing however is perfectly fine during fertility treatment.

Can I still have Botox or cosmetic injections whilst having fertility treatment?

Due to the risk of reactions and infections, we recommend not having any cosmetic surgery or injections (including Botox) during your fertility treatment.

Is it wise to get piercings during IVF treatment?

Normally IVF treatment should only last a few months before you fall pregnant, and therefore we would recommend holding off on getting any piercings during this time due to the risk of infection. Once pregnant you should discuss your potential new piercing with your Obstetricians or Shared Care Provider prior to having it done.

Ultrasound FAQ's

What ultrasound services does Repromed offer?

At our Dulwich clinic, we offer a comprehensive range of ultrasound services for fertility patients. These include fertility investigations such as pelvic ultrasounds, HyCoSy procedures, and Lipiodol flushes, along with various pregnancy-related services. Our tertiary-trained sonographers are specialists in this field, ensuring the highest level of care.

Who reports on my Ultrasound?

Dr Jane Woolcock, a leading Australian Obstetrician and Gynaecologist with subspecialist in women’s ultrasound oversees Repromed’s Ultrasound program. Dr Woolcock is known for her careful assessment and clear explanations of difficult medical problems. Repromed have a fully trained team of Accredited medical Sonographers and experienced nurse scanners.

Do I need a referral for an Ultrasound at Repromed?

Yes, you will need a referral for an ultrasound appointment (unless you are currently having fertility treatment with Repromed), your doctor will be able to provide you with one.

How do I make an appointment for an Ultrasound?

Please fill in the online appointment or call Repromed on 08 8333 8111 and we will be able to confirm a time with you

Do I need a full bladder when having an ultrasound?

Some ultrasound procedures require a full bladder, however at the time of booking your ultrasound appointment, you will be informed exactly what preparation is required.

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